About us
History of NBBE
Psychodrama has been practiced in the Nordic and Baltic countries for over 40 years. Development here was such that right from the beginning psychodrama had a close relationship to psychiatry and community work. The Nordic countries have always had a wide range of people from the theatre as well as journalists, theologian consultants, social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, lawyers and teachers attending training at different levels. This heterogeneity of professions has given the Nordic psychodrama stage a flair we are proud of. We have seen that there is not one profession which cannot benefit from psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. Therefore, we regard psychodrama as a discipline of its own rather than an exclusively psychiatric treatment -method.
The first Nordic psychodrama conference took place in 1983 at St. Gullber-na-Hospital in Karlskrona, Sweden. From this meeting a growing interest for further cooperation between psychodramatists in the Nordic countries emerged. A second conference, with the title Psychodrama and Society took place in Oslo, Norway 1987 organized by Norsk Førening for Psykodrama (Norwegian Psychodrama Association). The foundation of The Committee for a Nordic Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy was planned at this meeting. This committee was to discuss educational and professional matters in the Nordic countries as well as to evaluate and propose stan-dards for certification in psychodrama for the titles Trainer, Educator and Practitioner (TEP) and Certified Practitioner (CP) within the Nordic countries. In autumn 1990 a third conference in Oslo was arranged by Norsk Psykodramaskole which since 1991 is named Norsk Psykodramalnstitutt (Norwegian Psychodrama Institute).
Between autumn 1988 and 1991 the Committee met several times. And in 1991 the NBE (Nordic Board of Examiners) was founded.
The work was above all inspired by the American Board of Examiners; but also by the Australian and New Zealand Board of Examiners.
The Nordic Board of Examiners in Psychodrama, Sociometry & Group Psychotherapy first consisted of established psychodrama institutes or organizations in Sweden, Norway and Finland. And were responsible for the certification procedures and the issue of certificates according to the standards to Certified Practitioner (CP) and Trainer, Educator & Practitioner (TEP). Later Estonia and Latvia also became important members and the name was changed to the present name, Nordic Baltic Board of examiners.
Founding members
Today the founding members are Tallinn Psychodrama Institute (Morenokeskus) and Tartu Psychodrama Institute in Estonia, Latvian Moreno institute in Latvia, Helsinki Moreno institute in Finland, Moreno instituttet in Norway and Swedish Moreno institute in Sweden.

Moreno Centre
1990-1992 psychodramatists from Finland and Sweden hold short-term courses in Estonia to introduce psychodrama and the ideas of Moreno. After re-establishing the independence of Estonian Republic in 1992, lot of psychodramatists from Nordic countries, England and Israel continued seminars and courses of psychodrama, sociodrama and group psychotherapy. In 1995 two training programs started – one in Tallinn lead by Sirkku Aitolehti, TEP from Helsinki Psychodrama Institute, and other in Tartu lead by Ruuda Palmquist, TEP from Swedish Moreno Institute.
In 1998 five people from Tallinn training group established Moreno Centre to spread the psychodrama knowledge and use group method in their everyday work as psychotherapists, councillors, group leaders, trainers and supervisors. Moreno Centre has 3 units – Moreno Training Centre, Tallinn Psychodrama Institute and Estonian Playback Theatre. Main activities – long-term psychodrama therapy groups; courses and supervision for specialists in social, medical and educational field; teamwork and stress management courses for specialists and organisations – methods mostly sociometry, psychodrama and group-work.
Training programs in TEP (9 years), CP (6 years) and Group Leader (3 years) level. Since 2015 the group-leader level is divided in 2 parts – 1 year practical group-leading and sociometry + 2 years psychodrama and sociometry used in supervision and coaching. The programs follow NBBE and ANSE (Association of National Supervision Organisations of Europe) standards.
Since 1995 Moreno Centre together with Estonian Psychodrama Association has hold Estonian Psychodrama Conferences to introduce this method and therapy and training possibilities of psychodrama in Estonia.
P. Süda tn 1, 10118 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: (+372) 646 1095,
Main trainers TEPs – Pille Isat, Tuuli Vellama, Sirkku Aitolehti, Aivar Simmermann and CP Andres Sild.

Pille Isat
Founding member of Moreno Keskus, Crisis Program for Children and Youth, Estonian Psychotherapy Association and Estonian Psychodrama Association.
Very grateful to have a strong team of trainers and leaders of psychodrama institutes in NBE to fill the mission of developing psychodrama in Nordic and Baltic countries.

Tartu Psychodrama Institute, Moreno Centre
Tartu Psychodrama Institute is a successor of the Swedish Moreno Institute which started regular trainings in Estonia in 1994. The main trainers were Ruuda Palmquist and later Leif Dag Blomkvist and Marc Treadwell. The first TEPs (Karin Hango and Vahur Murutar) were certified in 2008. The Estonian organisation was founded in March 2012.
Today Tartu Psychodrama Institute is running psychodrama training groups and short courses, both experiential therapy groups and methodology teaching workshops. We start with a beginners training group every year.
Kastani 42, Tartu 50410
Phone: + 372 501 2435

Endel Hango
Endel Hango is a TEP for Tartu Psychodrama Institute. He has been training psychodrama since 2006. His background in psychology and economics allows him to work both in clinical setting and with organisations. Endel is a certified coach and an organisational consultant; and accredited playback theatre trainer.

Helsinki Psychodrama Institute
Helsinki Psychodrama Institute was co-founded by Sirkku Aitolehti, TEP, in 1992 with other psychodrama trainers. It is a member of Nordic Board of Examiners since 1996 and FEPTO since 2011. Helsinki Psychodrama Institute is actively participating in international cooperation in developing theory and practice of psychodrama. It has coordinated international projects like Inspirational pedagogy (2013-2014, funded by Nordic Council of Ministers), and EBTS-Trainings (2017-2019, funded by Erasmus+Adult Education). It is active both in NBE and FEPTO.
In the institute, we train psycho- and sociodrama, axiodrama and sociometry, and supervision (organisational counselling) and coaching based on these. A new field of application is working with researchers on climate change on different levels: society, communities, groups, individuals and the whole world.
Aleksis Kiven katu 4-8 B 42, 00500 Helsinki
Phone: +358 44 599 3377
Trainers TEPs – Reijo Kauppila, Päivi Rahmel, Sami Puumala, Sirkku Aitolehti, Kirsti Silvola, Reijo Rautiainen.

Reijo Kauppila
Psychodrama Trainer T.E.P., M.Ed. (Adult Education), Certified Organisational Counsellor and Supervisor, Certified Business Coach, Coach ACC (ICF)
Reijo Kauppila is the director and a trainer in Helsinki Psychodrama Institute (Finland), and he gives seminars in the use of psychodrama in organizations, coaching and organizational counselling in Europe. He has a wide experience in coaching, consulting, and training leadership, team building, and change management in different organizations in private and public sectors. His speciality is learning in and with psychodrama.
Reijo Kauppila is the Chair of Training Committee in FEPTO Council, a board member in Nordic Board of Examiners of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, and a former President of Finnish Coaching Association.

Moreno Institute in Latvia
The Moreno Institute in Latvia is a formal adult education institution that provides
postgraduate training, professional development and personal development trainings in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
It was founded in 2002 by Inara Erdmanis with permission from Zerka Moreno to establish institute in Latvia, but the first psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy assistant level group training in Latvia was held from 1994 to 1995 by Inara Erdmanis herself.
The Moreno institute in Latvia is the only one psychodrama training organisation in Latvia
and it provides all four psychodrama level education – assistant, leader, CP and TEP. In our trainings professionals learn to use psychodrama as a therapy, education, counselling, supervision, etc. in their original professional fields.
The Moreno Institute in Latvia is a member of FEPTO from 2012, which gives the institute an approval on a European level that the institute fulfils the international criteria for
psychodrama training and it is a member of Nordic-Baltic Board of Examiners in
psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy, which monitors the quality of the institute’s activities and gives international significance to the education obtained at the Moreno institute in Latvia.
87 Lāčplēša Street, Riga, LV-1011
Phone: +371 29357376

Jolanta Baltina
Jolanta Baltina, TEP, MgPsych, and director of the Moreno Institute in Latvia.
She acquired her knowledge and skills in psychodrama from Zerk Moreno’s schoolgirl Inara Erdmane, who founded and led the Moreno Institute in Latvia.
Jolanta’s primary education is psychology and pedagogy, which helps to create and manage different types and levels of training in psychodrama. Jolanta believes life is like a game, but what it is determined by man. “Let everyone have a creative and happy life game! “

Moreno Huset AS
Need som text about the institute
Revelia 15, 1459 Nesodden, Norway
Phone: +47 928 90 510

Eduardo verdu
Eduardo Verdú, T.E.P. MSc., and director of the Norwegian Moreno Institute in Oslo.
He teaches, trains and supervises in psychodrama in Norway as well as throughout Europe where he also is a requested workshop holder and has been holding numerous amount of workshops for more than 20 years. Eduardo is a board member of the Nordic Board of Examiners and vice chairman of Pife as well as holding the chair of the Training and Supervision committee of Pife

Swedish Moreno Institute
The Swedish Moreno Institute is an educational institute for psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. We organize introductory courses, self-experience groups, thematic specialty seminars and supervisory groups in addition to courses at the basic and leader level and in CP and TEP levels.
The institute has existed since 1974, from the beginning with the name Södra Sverige’s Association for Psychodrama. In the mid-1990s, we participated in the formation of the Nordic-Baltic Board of Examiners, an organization that maintains the level of education, sets standards and examines at director level, Certified Practitioners (CP) and Trainer Educationer an Practitioner (TEP. )
Our business is currently located in Stockholm, and Karlstad. New groups often arise because interest has been raised somewhere and in someone. We have the opportunity to arrange seminars of various kinds in other places, including courses.
All teachers / leaders have their own finances. The Board of Directors today consists of: Urban Norlander, Chairman, other Board members and deputies Laina Stolt, Inger Lagersson and Gunilla Rahm.
Urban Norlander, Gösvägen 68, 663 40 Hammarö, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)70-7548803

Urban Norlander
Psychodrama Director TEP (Trainer, Educator, Practitioner by NBE), Coach (ICF) With long experience as an actor, director and theater teacher.
Urban is the chairman and a trainer of Swedish Moreno institute and has conducted trainings on psychodrama at Karlstad University.